Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Poetry in darkness.

In your soul I see
what you hide from me,
deep darkness within
I'm your light... let me in.

Passionate love I will make
to the story you've become,
as the enchantment of the senses
makes your memory my own.

Emptiness lurks around
wanting to stay,
missing, wondering if
only us should remain.

No excuses exist in me
if my world turns for you,
for in the mist of it all
We are meant to be.

But now you know
that my eyes see in your soul...
the nothing inside.
the darkness of your heart.

I'm your light... let me in.
~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~

I hope you enjoy this post, find something useful and share it.

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