Friday, February 14, 2014

Love everlasting...?

Us... love everlasting?

My world spins around you,
for good or bad, for now, forever.

The moment we started the journey,
we knew it was going to be a long, treacherous path.

We knew we would find obstacles.
We would have to figure out whether to jump over or go around them.
We knew nothing, yet we knew it all.

A lifetime we had in front of us, to choose to live or to choose to leave.
We decided to stay and go for the hard work, and at the end, it has been so worth it.

Moments of weakness have come and gone, moments of sadness, moments of strenght, moments of joy.
We look at the picture we have painted and it smiles back at us. Back and white so pale, yet so colorful.

A vivid promise of what's to come.
Smiles and tears, anger and passion a mix... to live a love everlasting.


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