Sunday, February 23, 2014


I see you and is over, I'm done, my will is gone.
Your arms open  towards me offering redemption.
If melt like an ice cube before your eyes,
I can only imagine I'll turn into lava under your skin.

The memory I play in my mind hasn't even happened yet,
but I know it will be amazing, just like you.

I want to travel the map of your passion.
Discover the treasures hidden, waiting for me.
And live the future that needs to be created by us.

My fingers trace your shadow,
eager to learn how it feels.
I can't wait to know you... more.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Do you want a comment or not?

I found a post. The writer was asking for feed back. 

The article caught my attention, so I read it. I liked it and thought about leaving a comment.

What annoys me is when after I have done all the writing and hit 'post' I'm presented with: 

'Your comment is being sent in for approval'... or something like that. 

Not cool!

I'm sorry, but if someone is asking for feedback or a simple comment they should allow the comment immediately, because otherwise it seems like they are picking which comments should appear and which should not, and to me that defeats the purpose. Most of us will choose the nicer ones. 

I know some people are not fan of foul language, understandable, but seriously, I doubt anyone under 18 will be reading posts like the one I'm talking about.

I don't remember with details what the article was about because it has been several days since I read it, but it wasn't anything a young kid would have been interested in, so if anyone had wanted to leave a foul word it would have been, not fine but acceptable. At the end that probably wouldn't have been the case anyway.

Now, I'm not sure if we are able to choose the settings for our own blogs, or they are set by the software we use because I've never left a comment to myself. 

I just wanted to vent about that. What do you think? 

Do you moderate the comments on your blog or not?

Friday, February 14, 2014

Love everlasting...?

Us... love everlasting?

My world spins around you,
for good or bad, for now, forever.

The moment we started the journey,
we knew it was going to be a long, treacherous path.

We knew we would find obstacles.
We would have to figure out whether to jump over or go around them.
We knew nothing, yet we knew it all.

A lifetime we had in front of us, to choose to live or to choose to leave.
We decided to stay and go for the hard work, and at the end, it has been so worth it.

Moments of weakness have come and gone, moments of sadness, moments of strenght, moments of joy.
We look at the picture we have painted and it smiles back at us. Back and white so pale, yet so colorful.

A vivid promise of what's to come.
Smiles and tears, anger and passion a mix... to live a love everlasting.


Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Say it with emoticons.


I want to have a blog where whoever reads and wants to leave a comment can do so, but only with emoticons. You know, the smiley face, the grumpy face or... maybe the middle finger if the post deserves it... (nlm)

I know when I read a post sometimes I don't want to leave a comment, even if the post is good. 

Maybe I don't feel like explaining why I liked or hated the post. Maybe I don't want to be rude and leave a hurtful comment (which I'd never do anyways) or maybe I don't want to look like I'm 'brown nosing' to someone to get a good comment in return on one of my posts, or a 'like' on my Facebook or Author pages, or a favorite on Twitter.

Let's face it, many of us will write a 'sucky' post at a point in our life, (Hey, I'm trying to sound positive here!)

I know I read and reread whatever I write before I hit the infamous 'send' button, and still after that, sometimes I feel like the post stinks! and if I'm lucky enough to get any comments at all they might be not too exciting, therefore here come the always handy and loved by all... THE EMOTICONS!!

I don't see this as a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with a simple gesture, after all the icons are kind of cute. Hehe.

So... what do you think? I've given smiley faces before, have you? :)

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I found myself.

I found myself in the bottom of your eyes.
I looked into the abyss of the deep blue in them, and it imprisoned me.
Yes, I'm a lover of your shadow.

You must know how we are bound together.
We belong in the paradise I've created,
that is... if you want to join me.

I've found the piece of me that was missing,
and guess what? you had it all along!
Isn't it wonderful?

Do you even know what that is?
Will you return the feeling?
My life is worth the amount of love your heart holds for me.

Just know that it is you who rules my world,
like no one else has ever before.
I need to look no further.

I will remain anxiously waiting on the answer you're holding.
Wondering if you'll meet me there... in the bottom or your eyes.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Poetry in darkness.

In your soul I see
what you hide from me,
deep darkness within
I'm your light... let me in.

Passionate love I will make
to the story you've become,
as the enchantment of the senses
makes your memory my own.

Emptiness lurks around
wanting to stay,
missing, wondering if
only us should remain.

No excuses exist in me
if my world turns for you,
for in the mist of it all
We are meant to be.

But now you know
that my eyes see in your soul...
the nothing inside.
the darkness of your heart.

I'm your light... let me in.
~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~ ~°~ ~•~

I hope you enjoy this post, find something useful and share it.