Saturday, September 28, 2013

The Fall Break that changed my mind.

Fall just got here. It's been here for a week but my family have been talking about fall break for over a month.

I've been to and through several states in the North, South, East and West of the US but I will be traveling farther west than ever this time. I'm going to Las Vegas, NV., then farther west to the Sequoia National Park in California because I want to see the giant trees. After that I'll be stopping at the Grand Canyon in Arizona on my way back.

I'll meet my family in Las Vegas since they are going to drive all the way there because they have more time than me so, I'll be flying one way there solo... several days later. Strange way to do things some might say but, that's the only way for now.

They will leave and drive all the way taking the time to stop here and there to see things, I hope. Even though it is a long drive and I have done it all the way to El Paso, TX and back to TN several times, and I'm not too excited about it because again,  I've seen it to many times, this time I'd like to do it.

I must admit that things changed dramatically a month ago or so when I found out my youngest brother was diagnosed with cancer.

As of two days ago even while purchasing the airline ticket, I was reluctant to go. Maybe because of the fact that I have several projects at home that need to be done, really unimportant things that can and will wait.

What opened my eyes was talking to my sister who lives in Mexico. What she said to me really hit me. She told me my youngest brother had told her how the diagnose change his perception of and for life. How he thought about the things he had been putting off because of work or because of the dumbest reasons.

Up until that moment I've seen life differently, but now, I'm eager to go and see and do things I haven't done. I want to spend time with my family and enjoy as much as I can while I'm able to, and be grateful for it.

I know at times we disagree but who doesn't. So... I'm blessed in many ways and way more than I deserve to.

Now I understand the meaning of living for today.

I hope you read this, get something good out of it and share it.

Until next time... I'll see you around.


1 comment:

  1. Have a safe trip. I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
